Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Resolutions

I still have a little less then two weeks of break and have been very lazy lately. Really, like sleep is the only thing that matters lazy. So i'm hoping to end on an upswing, and I'm going to start by actually blogging!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because they are particularly fond of lists over at The Broke and the Bookish. I'm sure they'd love to share your lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten list.
Today's Topic is
Top Ten Bookish Resolutions

1. Write - I try my best to write every day, even if it turns into a slight 'dear diary' situation at times. I have a livejournal that I do update daily, that is often a list of things that I've done that day, or musings on what I'm reading. I keep telling myself I should actually try my hand at fiction, or at the very least creative non-fiction, on top of the small amount of screenwriting I do. Also, I need to pay Loving Books more attention, and probably give it a little face-lift. 

2. Broaden My Horizon's- I'm a relatively eclectic reader. I can read Gaiman, Foer and Gregory back to back, but I still have my comfort zones. I really like historical fiction, and things set in Europe, or at least in the Midwest US states or New York. Really what I'm saying is I read about things I know about. I really want to broaden my world view, and get outside of my comfort zone. Dystopian literature seems to be a good place for me to start. And I want to read at least a novel by a South American, African and Asian author this year. 

3. Join More Meme's - Top Ten Tuesday and the Literary Blog Hop are usually the only meme's I participate in with any sort of regularity.  I'd really like to find more that I look forward to join each week, or maybe coming up with one myself.

4. Shakespeare - I've read about a third of his plays. Every year I tell myself that this will be the year I read the rest. At the very least I want to read The Tempest, since I never have. 

5. Review Everything - I'm usually pretty goo about reviewing everything I read, but sometimes if I really didn't like something, or don't really know how to classify I put off reviewing it until I forget about it. The reason I started reviewing books was so I'd remember my feelings on them, so I'm just doing myself a disservice when I this. You hear that, Me. Disservice. 

6. Use Goodreads- I like goodreads, even if it's just to figure out how far, percentage wise I'm into a book. I want to organize my bookshelf and join groups and things. 

7. If I Don't Like It, Put It Down - I'm one to suffer through books. Actually, I am suffering through a book right now. So when I was reading today and getting distracted by thoughts like 'I want pita bread' and 'This isn't my favorite pillow' I knew I had a problem. I like to finish books, and to give them the benefit of the doubt. However, 2011 needs to be a year where I allow myself to put things back on my TBR shelf after starting them. It's a waste of time to spend a week reading a 150 page novel, and I could spend this time better reading things I actually enjoy

I only have 7 for you today, but really these are my major general resolutions. Can't wait to get around to all of yours!


Ronnica said...

When I was a student, I always had such great plans for the break...but then I find that during breaks I wasn't as ambitious. I always did more on top of school than I did without it.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a won't-put-a-book-down-EVER type. In 2010, I made a vow to stop that. As a result I set a total of 6 books aside, and I wasn't upset by that at all. Three of those I put back on my shelves for a different day, the other three I gave up on completely. It was actually a very relieving feeling. Good luck this year!

Lola said...

Great goals! Good luck this year! :)