Top Ten Bookish Resolutions
1. Pay More Attention to this Blog - I put in my personal resolutions that I would ideally post here at least once a week. I really love this community and it's a shame I come in and out so frequently.2. Review EVERYTHING I Read -This was a problem for me last year, only about a third of the books I read got thoughtful reviews. I'd originally started reviewing so I could remember what I read, and after a year of barely doing it I discovered that I need that critical thinking to ingrain some texts into my memory.
3. Always Have a Book On Me - The latter half of 2013 was a whole lot of fun, but there were a lot of idle moment I could have enjoyed if I'd just kept a paperback or my kindle in my purse.
4. Go to More Author Events - They're fun, they're cheap, and usually you meet awesome people.
5. Work on My Twitter and Tumblr Presences - It's been a while since I've tweeted from my Bookish account, but I have recently been working on a sister Tumblr for this blog. It's mostly pictures and quotes right now but I'm excited to see how I can evolve it.
6. Enforce the Fifty Page Rule - For those of you not in the know, my fifty page rule states that I'll give a book, any book, fifty pages to grab my attention. After that if I'm not enjoying it or not sure I'm interested in the story I am free to toss it aside guilt free. When I don't enforce this rule I end up spending three months reading a 200 page novel.
7. Finish my Harry Potter Reread - Self explanatory, yeah?
8. Read Books Set in Far Away Places by Far Away People - Last year I focused on new releases, and learned that I'm pretty good at reading male and female authors evenly. This year I want' to broaden my horizons. The bookish world is so much more than white people in American and Europe writing about, well, America and Europe. I'm really excited for this resolutions.
9. Read a Bit Every Day - It's been years since this has been a problem, but like I said, winter 2013 wasn't the best time of my bookish life. This year I've already thrown myself into more books than I did for all of November and December. That just started by telling myself 'Hey, you actually like doing this so do it.' The internet and DVR will always be there for me and at least a half an hour of reading can calm me down and brighten my mood.
10. Have Fun - This is one of my resolutions every year. This blog should never feel like a chore and the books I'm reading shouldn't feel like homework. Life is too short to make my favorite hobby into an obligation.
Happy 2014 Everyone. I've got a feeling it's going to be a great year!
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