Monday, February 8, 2010

Bridget Jones's Diary - Gielding

Bridget Jones's Diary

Helen Fielding

Bridget is keeping a journal this year. Her goals are to lose weight, stop smoking and meet a man who isn't a alcoholic, workaholic, commitment phob, misogynist, megalomaniacs, chauvinists or a  emotional fuckwit. Her year is ripe with man issues, mom drama and job troubles. Her friends are her only constant through a very eventful year.

Being an occasional fan of chick lit I was pleased with Bridget Jones's Diary. Having just seen the movie for the first time a little more than a week ago I was expecting a plot slightly more like the film, but was pleasantly surprised with how fresh and different the book was from the film. Most girls will empathies with Bridget's 'Singleton' lifestyle, her weight loss struggles and the frustration of mothers and friends of mothers trying to set her up with various men. It is also apparent that 1996, when this novel was written, could be looked at as a new sort of dark ages by todays young adult population. No Cell phones, the thrill of instant messages on company computers and no real speaking of Google ever.  A refreshing, light read.


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