Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March in Review

"March was an unpredictable month, when it was never clear what might happen. Warm days raised hopes until ice and grey skies shut over the town again.”
 March...March was...How do I put this gently...

March was a chaotic mess. It was cold and tragic and full of so many things.

Things started fine. One of my college roommates made the trip from DC to Detroit to visit me. We spent a long weekend trapesing all over the metro area buying records, looking at art and eating amazing food. We even took a trip to Canada because why not? I mean it's right there! Her trip ended with an awesome Arcade Fire concert.

Unfortunately that night my grandma fell and apparently a broken femur was the one ailment she wouldn't recover from. She passed on the 25th and the rest of the month was dedicated to funeral homes, churches and trying not to cause a scene at work.

Needless to say I'm glad it's April.

Books Read:
10. Northanger Abbey - Austen
11. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - 
12. A Replacement Life - Fishbone

American Authors: 1
European: 2
African: 0
South American: 0
Asian:  0

Male: Female: 2

New Releases: 1

Jar Books: 1

Challenge Books:1

Even though March was a mess, life wise, book-wise it was a vast improvement over February. By vast I mean finishing three books instead of two. Northanger Abbey took me for freakin' ever but I was glad to jump back into Harry Potter. A Replacement Life also marks the first Review book I've received since last spring.

I've made some bookish discoveries about myself this month. I can't read when I'm grieving (I also can't watch the Office, CNN or Reality TV. I can listen to A LOT of The National and nap.) In spite of this I am starting to find ways to incorporate my bookish interests into my everyday life. Like out in the real world, not just here on the internet.

So see ya March, it's been real. 

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Sorry about your loss, losing anyone can be so hard. I lost a very close high school friend (and though he wasn't technically family it still felt that way). I also couldn't read for a while. I hope that April will be better for you, and sunnier days will come. I know it will!