I realized the other day that I've been complaining an awful lot about my required reading this semester. It probably comes across and whinny and inexperienced, which, to be honest, is really a great defense mechanism of mine but I figure, this is a book blog, talk about books? You following me so far?
So here, for the last time of my fall semester of my senior year of college I will talk in detail about the reading I'm doing this semester. Here's a list of what I'm reading/should be reading before December 18th.
For Family in Literature I have:
I've already finished this one. Had pretty mixed feelings about it. Was surprised that I'd never heard of Corneille.
As I Lay Dying
One of the reasons I was looking forward to this class was because I would be required to read a lot of things I had never gotten around to. Faulkner is one of those things. However I have rarely heard anything good about him, and my best friend hated this book passionately. Oh, and I'm kinda a Hemingway fan and this feels a bit like cheating.
A Streetcar Named Desire
I've read this previously (who hasn't?), worked on my high school production, seen the movie, seen additional live performances. I'll be happy to get to this because It'll take me all of an hour and a half to read.
Persian Letters
Again, a classic I haven't heard of! Gee this class is making me feel dumb. Ok, not dumb, its just reminding me how many books are out there and how many I've never heard of.
Things Fall Apart
I was supposed to read this back at the start of my first year of college and then the class kind of deteriorated into disscosions on the uses of corn and watching Richard Pryer clips on youtube so Things Fall Apart never happened for me. I'm really looking forward to finally reading it.
Now for Adaptation we have:
The Pope Of Greenwich Village
We're reading this and then watching the movie. I'm not enjoying it. It's not that it's a bad novel, just so far from my go to genre's.
Touching From a Distance
Haven't started it. Am not interested in it. Am glad that about half the book appears to be lyrics.
Topics in Screenwriting: Modern Family Drama's:
No books, but so far I've read the screenplay for
Ordinary People
The Joy Luck Club
and the next few weeks we'll read
Little Miss Sunshine
A Rose in Winter
So that's my required reading for this semester. I'm still trying to keep up a slew of pleasure books as I'm doing all of this.
What about you? Do you have books you absolutely have to read in the next few months? Have you read any of the ones on my list? What about any great college reading memories? i'd love to hear about them all!